About us
Enterprising, pleasant, proud Prešernova!
The School of Economics Ljubljana has been in operation since 1920, educating students in the programmes of economic gymnasium and economic technician. A high-quality and modern education system, good interpersonal relations, the opportunity to participate in various projects, international involvement and an emphasis on IT competences enable students to acquire the skills and knowledge required by the increasingly international labour market and further studies.
We are an Erasmus+ and eTwinning Ambassador School, a Healthy School, an Eco-School and an EU Parliament Ambassador School, which commits us to achieving our goals.
620 students attend our school, 364 of those attend Economic Technician program, which enables them to find a job in over 150 different professions. The development priority of our school is to pursue the following competences: digital competence, critical thinking in mother tongue and foreign language, self-initiative and entrepreneurship. Because the latter is one of the key competences in EU Perspective 2014-2020, we also put special emphasis on developing entrepreneurial mindset and managerial skills. We are aware that good educational system and (vocational) training provide skills, demanded by the labour market and the economy. We follow Europe’s 2020 growth strategy, which among others things focuses on performance of education by reducing drop-out rates and facilitating the entry of young people to the labour market.
Our teachers are all highly motivated and regularly attend seminars about new teaching methods and other developments in education. We also try to promote good learning and working habits.
Our main objectives are: improving students’ school performance and Matura results; reducing the drop-out rate; using efficient and interesting teaching methods, all with the primary goal of preparing our students for further/higher education or employment. By doing all these things, we also hope to increase school enrolment rate.
Finally, we find it extremely important to participate in international projects. The competences gained by being a part of international learning mobilities help students improve fluency in foreign languages, learn about other working methods, raise cultural awareness, improve autonomy, boost self-esteem, learn how to be a team-player and how to become more ambitious. We believe that all these qualities undoubtedly lead to higher employability.